Washable Cooling Pillow Amazon

When’s the last time you washed your pillow? Probably not recently enough. The best machine-washable pillows are easy to clean so you can stop worrying about the consequences (like acne or clogged pores) of not routinely washing your pillow. While a pillowcase certainly helps to protect your pillow from the sweat, oil, and dead skin cells from your body, you should still wash your pillow at least twice a year, especially because all of that stuff can soak through the case. When it comes to picking out the best machine-washable pillow, you should first make sure that the tag doesn’t say “dry clean only,” which means that it’s not going to hold up in the harsh washing machine. Down or feather pillows and polyester bamboo pillow are usually safe picks to be machine washed, cooling pillow amazon while memory foam or other foams usually cannot be. From there, pick a pillow based on your desired firmness and price. The actual pillow-washing part is pretty easy. It's a go...